Public Service Interpreter for the city of Winterthur
- Social Services, KESB (Swiss Children and Adult Protection Authority)
- Schools, parent-teacher meetings
- Gonçalves Advokat
- Tarifa-Spain Guesthouse
Literary works:
- Bachelor thesis: Translation from Chinese into Spanish of some short stories from Pu Songling's "聊斋志异" (in English: Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio)
- Freelance translator and post-editor for Amazon: product descriptions from German into Spanish
- Master thesis: "Analysis of databases to determine the clinical importance of enzymes that make up estradiol and estrone in ER+ breast cancer"
Other jobs
Assistant at the law firm Gonçalves Advokat
Representant for Conference Interpreting on the Student's Council at ZHAW
Internship: English teacher at Hi! Englisch Academy, Granada
Windsurfinstructor at SpinOut Tarifa S.L., Spain
Waitress at Rest. La Sarcelle Cheyres, Hotel Albana Silvaplana, Rest.-Pizzeria La Tribu Playa Spain